Wattmeters & Varmeters

Product Features
- Active power (Watts) or reactive power (Vars)
- 3½ digit red LED display
- DIN 96x48mm or 48x24mm sizes
- Easy to wire screw type terminals
Digital Wattmeters and Varmeters are available in two DIN sizes, 48x24mm and 96x48mm, for the measurement of active power (Watts) or reactive power (Vars). The meters panel mount and are connected to a separate DIN rail mounted converter unit and calibrated as a complete unit to individual requirements. All digital Wattmeters and Varmeters can be powered by a large selection of self contained AC or DC auxiliary power supplies, which all offer isolation between the measured input signal and auxiliary supply voltage. The converter unit has finger-proof terminal covers.
Key Terms: FPM964W - FPM964V - FPM964 - FPM482W - FPM482V - FPM482 - Digital - Wattmeter - Varmeter - Power - Watt - Var - LED